The Ultimates #9
Marvel Comics
Written by Deniz Camp
Art by Chris Allen
Colors by Federico Blee
Letters by Travis Lanham
The Rundown: A prisoner is given the ability to engage in his own version of prison reform.
Luke Cage is only fifteen years old when he sent to prison for a crime no one will tell him he’s been convicted of. In prison, he deals with humiliation and beatings from the guards while attempting to better himself through education. In the present, Cage is sent to a new facility where he makes friends with a fellow inmate and begins to grow a following talking about the unfair conditions they live in and the virtual slavery they have been reduced to.
As things progress in the prison, secrets are revealed including a delivery from Iron Lad that gives Luke Cage not only the abilities that he should have had in this world, but also the chance to fight back against a corrupt system. Abilities Cage will use to begin the next stage of his own plans.
The Story: Camp gives the reader a unique and thoroughly engaging experience in this issue. I love this take on Luke Cage and how it builds our understanding of the character through the flashbacks. You take a journey with the character as Camp shows a Cage whose will and determination make him unique in a system that is corrupt. There are some powerful messages throughout the story and everything builds to a fantastic reveal while making me excited to see where this story goes next, specifically Luke Cage’s.
The Art: Allen delivers beautiful art throughout the issue. I love the style and how it reminds me of classic Luke Cage stories from the 70’s. Each page is brilliantly detailed and filled with great visual moments.